Chapter News

News Story

Chapter Launches Member Advocate Initiative

Dateline: 1/21/2021

Our Chapter is launching a new program to help connect with our members. This information is provided to you for your information and action.
PURPOSE:  Increase member participation in Charter events and thereby enhance member awareness of Chapter goals. Enhance new member recruiting by instilling a higher sense of pride in Chapter membership.

GENERAL:  This is a volunteer effort whereby members agree to act as Advocates of current members and newly recruited members.  Advocates may select current members whom they wish to support, or, in the absence of specific requests, the Membership Chairperson (MC) may assign members, generally no more than five.  If a newly recruited member was sponsored, the sponsor, if willing, will serve as Advocate.  If unsponsored, the MC will appoint a volunteer Advocate.

Advocates will contact their assigned members, at the Advocate’s discretion, preferably by phone calls, to ensure their members are aware of and encourage participation in:
•    Upcoming Chapter activities (luncheons, Zoom sessions, Officer’s calls, etc.)
•    Recent media recognition of Chapter accomplishments
•    Chapter Newsletter publication, website and Facebook postings

If the Advocate feels appropriate, they are encouraged to meet with their members to coach them on accessing the above via electronic means.

Advocates are encouraged to learn the background and experience of their members with an eye toward future service as a Chapter Board Member, Officer, Project Manager, or luncheon speaker.  

Additional contact opportunities include birthdays, anniversaries, “I saw your name/picture in the paper,” attendance of a Chapter Board Meeting, and attendance of a Veterans Council General Meeting.

SPECIFICS:  The MC, or another person appointed by the Chapter President, will facilitate this initiative.  
Advocates, especially those of new members, are encouraged to sit together with their members at in-person Chapter activities to facilitate recognition and introductions, and help instill a sense of belonging within the Chapter.

Advocates are requested to identify their members who are not current on their Chapter dues and encourage payment.

As this is strictly a volunteer initiative, no record keeping or reporting, other than the MCs informal list of Advocate/member assignments, is anticipated.  The effectiveness of the initiative will be measured by the recruiting, retention and activity levels of the Chapter membership.

Members who wish to volunteer to serve as Advocates are requested to notify our Chapter Secretary, Walter Flynn, at or 845-514-0388 (cell).  Volunteer Advocates may specify Chapter members by name (max 5) who they wish to support.

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Chapter Address
Indian River Chapter MOAA
P.O. BOX 644047
Vero Beach, FL 32964-4047
© Copyright Indian River Chapter 2022
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