FLORIDA MILITARY MESSAGE CENTER (FMMC) Florida Identity Theft Legislation Update The following update on the status of privacy bills has been provided by COL Jere Moore, USA (Ret), State Legislative Chairman of the Florida Council of Chapters of MOAA. "The 2002 Florida Legislature passed bills which, when signed by Gov. Bush, will give veterans three options to protect their privacy: 1. Request that the clerk of court remove totally from the county official records the veteran�s military discharge. (SB 24E) 2. Request that the clerk of the court remove the veteran�s discharge from the Internet. The discharge would remain in the official records available for confirmation of the veteran�s service. (HB 1679) 3. Request that the clerk of the court remove from public records the veteran�s Social Security numbers from the discharge on file or any other documents. (HB 1673) These requests may be made by the veteran, widow, widower or certain other representatives. The requester will need to know the book and page number of the record involved, which may be available on the Internet."