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Event Title: Member Luncheon
Event Date: 2/24/2016
Event Time: 11:30 AM
Location: Clearwater Country Club
Details: Wednesday February 24, 2016 MOAA Monthly Luncheon Join us for a Lunch at the Clearwater Country Club; 525 N Betty Lane, Clearwater. Directions: going north from Drew Street it will be the last right turn before the railroad tracks, from Palmetto Street heading south it will be the first left after the tracks. Country Club Phone (727) 446-9501. Luncheon check-in starts at 11:15, program at noon. Please have check ready before arrival! $18.00 per person and payable to the Clearwater Chapter MOAA. For Reservations call Jane Belson (home) (727-535-9151) by Friday NOON, Feb 19th with your meal selection and reservations. If you need to cancel, please do so by Monday, Feb 22nd or you will be expected to pay for your missed meal . It’s critical that we start our luncheons on time. Thanks in advance and come out to support our MOAA Clearwater Chapter luncheons! When calling in reservations, please let JANE know if you have special dietary needs, so the kitchen staff may be notified in advance. We will not be able to accommodate any dietary needs the day of the our luncheons. Our Speaker will be Thomas R Cuba, PHD who has served as an Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Navy, a scoutmaster, SCUBA instructor, Wilderness Survival instructor, and Firearms instructor. He has worked as an ecologist in both government and private practice, as well as a freelance nature photographer and computer programmer. For Tom's full bio, go to the top of this page , click on newsletters, then February and the info is on the front page.

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