Military Officers Association of America





I.      Organization

II.     Annual Due Dates of Council

III.    Area Vice Presidents

IV.   Communications

V.    Conventions

VI.   Employment Assistance

VII.  Financial Operations

VIII. Legislative Affairs

IX.   Meetings

X.    Membership

XI.   Personal Affairs

XII.   Resolutions and Bylaw Change Procedures

XIII. Blue Book Distribution


The Florida Council of Chapters (hereinafter Council) includes all Chapters and Clubs throughout Florida that have been chartered by and are in good-standing with The Retired Officers Association and that desire to belong to the Council. Leadership for the Council is provided by the Council President, Vice President and six Area Vice Presidents (AVPs). These eight officers, the immediate Past President, the Secretary and the Treasurer form the Council Board of Directors and are the legal officers of the Florida Council of Chapters, Inc. (See Bylaws, Article IV Officers.) This leadership is supplemented by Committee Chairmen, as appointed by the President.



The following due-dates have been excerpted from various sections of the Blue Book in order to assist those involved in carrying out the actions indicated.


1. Roster Information Form (Blue Book Section I, Page 5). Include names of the President and Secretary for the current year, even if they have not been installed. The number of members reported is as of 31 December of the preceding year. The number of members listed will be used for dues computation and for determining the number of delegates to the annual business meeting. Send the form to Council Secretary. NOTE. If information on this form changes during the calendar year, send a revised form to the Council Secretary.

2. Dues. Dues are required on this date and must be paid to the Council Treasurer by 31 March except for leap years when they are due by 30 March. To compute the amount due, multiply the dues approved by the Council for that year times the number of members reported on the Roster Information Form. Send dues to the Council Treasurer.


1. List of Deceased Members and Spouses. The list should include name, rank and service of each Chapter/Club member and each spouse who died during the previous calendar year (1 Jan - 31 Dec).   Rank should be indicated by the branch of Service�s accepted abbreviation designation. Deceased spouses should be listed by name and �spouse of� (followed by member�s rank, name, and service). Deceased auxiliary members should be listed by name followed by �AUX� or by category used by the Chapter/Club. These names will be included in the program for the Memorial Service at the annual convention. Send the list to the Council Secretary.

2. Proposed Resolutions and/or Bylaw Changes. (See Subsection XII) In order for these proposals to be considered at the annual business meeting, they must be considered first at the Winter Council Board meeting.  Send these to the Committee Chairman.


1. Names of nominee(s) for President and Vice President. Names should be sent to the Vice President who will forward them to the Council Secretary. (See Bylaws Article V, Section D for procedures for nominations.)

2. Area Nominating Committees. Area Nominating Committees will be formed. (See Bylaws Article V, Section C for procedures for nominations.)


Proposed Resolutions and/or Bylaw Changes. Proposed resolutions and/or Bylaw changes approved at the Winter Council Board meeting must be sent to Chapters/Clubs.


AVP Nominees. Names should be sent to Vice President who will forward them to the Council Secretary. (See Bylaws Article V, Section C. for procedures for nominations.)


Convention After-Action Report. Five copies of the report should be sent to the Council President and one copy to the Vice President. If information is incomplete a preliminary report should be submitted and the report revised as information is received.




The position of Area Vice President is the leadership link between the Chapter/Clubs and the Council. In general terms, the responsibilities of the AVPs are to assist their Chapters/Clubs and to be the liaison from the Chapters/Clubs to the Board of Directors. The Florida Council of Chapters is organized into six geographic areas, each one of which has an AVP. The following are the established areas of responsibilities. Northeast, Northwest, East Central, West Central, Southeast and Southwest. (See Blue Book Section I.


1. Assist Chapters/Clubs in organization, recruiting, retention, problem resolution and in such other endeavors and operations as requested and desired by the groups.

2. Encourage communication with Chapter/Club Presidents in order to provide the assistance described above as effectively as possible.

3. Attend and participate in Chapter's/Club's activities. As a rule-of-thumb AVPs should try to attend at least three of each Chapter�s/Club�s activities during the AVP�s two-year term.

4. Conduct installations if requested.

5. Participate and encourage Chapter/Club Presidents� participation in local base retiree activities councils if applicable.

6. Attend and serve as a voting member at Council Board of Directors� meetings and represent their Chapters/Clubs in deliberations of the Board.

7. Support the legislative actions of MOAA and the Council and encourage and assist Chapters/Clubs in these activities.

8. Report at the Council Board of Directors� meetings on special activities, problems, ideas, issues, etc. of his/her Chapters/Clubs.

9. Attend and encourage Chapter/Club attendance at the yearly Convention, and other Council activities as well as National MOAA Conventions, Business Meetings, and President's Meetings as applicable.

10. Act as a liaison for his/her Chapters/Clubs with other veterans organizations� meetings in the area.

11. Solicit candidates for the positions of President and Vice President.  Assist AVP nominating committee in finding a candidate for his replacement.  


1. Chapter/Club Newsletters. In order to learn about members, leaders and activities of Chapters/Clubs AVPs should ask to have their names and the names of the Council President and Vice President placed on Chapter/Club newsletters� mailing lists.

2. E-mail. In order to respond to MOAA Legislative Alerts as well as to provide rapid response to urgent notifications, each AVP must have either a personal e-mail address (recommended) or have arranged for someone with an e-mail address to act as his/her e-mail contact.

3. Area Vice Presidents Meetings. If distance between his/her Chapters/Clubs permits, the AVP is encouraged to have occasional joint meetings with his/her area�s Chapter/Club Presidents.


AVPs should insure that Chapter/Club Presidents know that the AVP is available to conduct installations, as are the Council President and Vice President. If the Council President officiates at the installation, the AVP should also attend, as a matter of courtesy.


The AVP�s role, if one of his organizations wants to host or has been selected to be the host-Chapter/Club for a convention, is to provide support, assistance and counsel as requested. This help may be in the form of presenting a Chapter/Club�s convention-host request to the Council, assist in obtaining a guest speaker, or serving as a member of the Convention Committee.




The major communications tools for the Council consist of three media: an e-mail network (the Florida Military Message Center (FMMC) and the Interstate Military Message Center (IMMC); a web site; and a newsletter (the Council Communiqu�). The FMMC/IMMC Operator and the Web Site Developer operate under direction of the President. The Communiqu� Editor, who is either the Council Vice President or another person selected by the President, operates under direction of the President. All three are considered to be committee chairmen.


1. The FMMC/IMMC network includes the following:

a. A Council Net that is used for rapid routine, urgent and emergency communications within the Council and also with MOAA and other appropriate parties.

b. A MOAA Legislative Net that transmits MOAA Legislative Updates and Legislative Alerts primarily to those who do not wish to receive this information directly from MOAA.

c. A Veterans Net for traffic primarily affecting other veterans and veterans� organizations.

d. An Interstate Net for coordination of common interests of other state councils and associations, out-of-state chapters and clubs, and individuals worldwide who are interested in the MOAA purposes.

2. The FMMC/IMMC Operator�s relationship to the Council President is similar to that between an active duty message center communications officer and unit commanders. He or she uses guidelines similar to those of the Communiqu� editor, except that extra care must be taken to (1) keep the address list confidential; (2) avoid the introduction of any traffic that is not essential to MOAA�s eight purposes (See Subsection VIII. A. 3.) and the Council�s Bylaws; and (3) remember that not all subscribers will agree with the way MOAA or the Council implements the eight purposes.

C. The Florida Council Web Site

1. The web site provides updated information about Council activities; legislative issues; veterans affairs; health; Chapter leaders, addresses and activities; job openings; and other material of interest to Chapter/Club officers, Council members, and potential members. The site can be reached at its own address  ( or through the MOAA Web Site (

2. The Web Site Developer�s relationship to the council president is similar to that between any webmaster and the individual for whom he or she operates the site.


1. The Council Communiqu� is printed bi-monthly in December, February, April, June, August, and October with a special convention issue normally printed in March. Copies of the Communiqu� are sent to Council Board members and Committee Chairmen, each Chapter/Club and its President, MOAA (Board Chairman, President, and Council and Chapter Affairs Director), Council Past Presidents, MOAA Board members from Florida, and other persons decided by the Council President and newsletter editor.

2. The purpose of the Communiqu� is to communicate information about activities, e.g., annual convention, and happenings, e.g., Chapter/Club events, within the Council to the Council and Chapter/Club leadership.

3. The editor of the Council Communiqu� is responsible to publish the Communiqu� as a leading example of professionalism and integrity. The editor's relationship to the Council President is similar to that of an editor to a publisher. The President, in turn, is responsible to the Board. Accordingly, the editor should select, edit and run news and general interest items based upon broad guidance provided by the President. The ultimate product must be a careful balance of the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the fact that a newsletter is a proprietary publication that is restricted to subjects appropriate for its readers. Furthermore, because the affiliation of independent Chapters/Clubs with the council is voluntary, it is important to be judicious in selection of material that might indicate an editorial bias perceived as unacceptable by some readers.


The FMMC/IMMC Operator, the Web Site Developer and the Communiqu� Editor may accept submissions for possible use in their respective media if they meet the following criteria:

1. Support one or more of MOAA's eight purposes (See Subsection VIII. A. 3.)

2. Are of possible interest to all or most of the readers.

3. Meet standards of subject matter and professional presentation as exemplified in The Retired Officer Magazine, the MOAAGRAM, and MOAA�s home page.

4. Are finished submissions, requiring minimum editing.

5. Are in compliance with the copyright law.

a. Copyright. Under the copyright law, ideas may not be copyrighted, but the way an originator presents ideas is automatically copyrighted, whether or not the originator includes written indication of copyright. Such works may not be copied without express permission from the originator. However, a short phrase or two and the title may be quoted so long as credit is given to the originator. Also, in general, information may be revised or paraphrased so that the ideas are used but the original presentation is not copied. In such cases, the new presentation must clearly not be a copy of the original, and credit should be given to the originator.

b. MOAA allows affiliated Chapters, Clubs and Councils, to retransmit electronic content to anyone who won�t use it for commercial purposes, and to reproduce it in their newsletters. In each case the material must contain the copyright notice: �� (year) The Retired Officers Association. All rights reserved.�

c. In general, the copyright law does not apply to U.S. government publications.

6. Are accepted subject to approval by the Florida Council of Chapters


The Council communication media operators should encourage readers to reproduce and use articles from the FMMC/IMMC, the web page, and the Communiqu� under the following conditions:

1. No work identified as copyrighted may be reproduced without permission of the copyright owner. (See paragraph E.  5. b. above for exceptions and limitations to MOAA material.)

2. Reproduction of a work not identified as copyrighted must credit the appropriate Council communication medium as appropriate and the author if any is listed.

3. Any reproduction must be for legitimate use in supporting one or more of MOAA's eight purposes, previously mentioned.


V. CONVENTIONS (For a complete discussion of conventions refer to the Council's Convention Guidebook.)

A. The annual convention is one of the most important activities of the council. It is the event in which the largest number of members participate, and it is where the individual chapters and clubs come together as one organization. At this gathering, the members review the council's accomplishments and objectives, decide its future leadership, strengthen their commitments to the goals of MOAA, receive important and desired information, and make plans for the Council's futures activities. The convention includes the annual business meeting, seminars, social activities, board meetings, athletic activities, and of course much camaraderie.

B. The convention is held usually in May or early June throughout Florida in locations that promise an exciting convention experience. It is hosted by a Chapter/Club whose request has been approved by the board, usually at a meeting at least two years prior to the convention. The criteria for consideration that interested Chapters/Clubs need in order to be considered to host a convention are in the Convention Guidebook that is available on the Florida Council web site and in hard copy from the Council Secretary. Florida Council conventions are the largest state conventions in MOAA and are the envy of many councils. They are successful because excellent locations and facilities are selected, outstanding leadership and workers are present, comprehensive plans are made, and an extraordinary amount of hard work is provided over a long period of time.



A. MOAA Officer Placement Service (TOPS).

TOPS helps military officers who are retired, planning to retire or leaving the service, find civilian employment. MOAA encourages Chapters/Clubs to appoint a TOPS liaison or network representative to coordinate directly with the TOPS department. This person functions as the point of contact and resource person for individuals in transition who are located in or interested in relocating to the Chapter�s/Club�s geographic area.



The chief financial officer of the Florida Council is the Council Treasurer. He/she will provide financial guidance to the Council Board and manage the finances of the Council based upon the Council Bylaws, the approved budget, guidance from the President and the Budget and Finance Committee and policies approved by the Board.

The Treasurer will collect, deposit and expend funds as required and in accordance with the budget. He/she will insure that the budget is not exceeded, except under unusual circumstances. Should an exception be required it must be approved by the President, justified at the next Board meeting and reported at the next business meeting. The Treasurer will provide a financial report to the President each month, to the Board members at each of their meetings and to the delegates at the annual business meeting.


The sources of funds for Council operating expenses include the following:

1. Dues from Chapters/Clubs based upon the approved per-member fee.

2. Surplus funds from the annual conventions.

3. Funds that accrue from Council activities.

4. Grants or other financial assets donated or endowed to the Council.

5. Returns on interest-bearing accounts, e.g., CDs.


1. Operations Account. The purpose of this account is to provide the budgeted funds needed on a day-to-day basis to conduct the operations and activities of the Council. To do this the Budget and Finance Committee will prepare an Operations Budget based upon a 1 January-31 December fiscal year. Funds to support the Council operations will be provided primarily by dues from Council members and supplemented from the Convention Account.

2. Convention Account. The purpose of this account is to provide convention management funds (e.g. seed money and other convention support), emergency funds needed if a loss is incurred in a convention, contingency funds for extraordinary Council activities and reserve funds. Funds in this account include surpluses from annual conventions, other monies that accrue to the Council and interest on these funds. This account should not be permitted to decrease to less than $10,000 (including the $5,000 that is normally provided to the current convention host Chapter/Club as seed money).


1. General. The purpose of the committee is to provide financial guidance to the Board in order for it to conduct the operations and activities of the Council on a sound financial basis.

2. Membership. The Budget and Finance Committee is made up of four members; a Chairman appointed by the President, the Council President, the Council Treasurer and one other member appointed by the President. Other Board members are invited to participate in the meetings of the committee.

3. Duties.

a. To prepare the yearly Operations Budget to be considered by the Board. The committee will prepare the recommended budget prior to January 1 and the Treasurer will send a copy of this budget to each Board member by January 15. The Chairman of the Committee will present this budget to the Board for its approval at the Winter Board meeting. The Chairman will present the Board-approved budget as the recommended budget to the delegates at the annual business meeting.

b. To provide financial guidance concerning Council activities to the Treasurer and to the Board.

c. To recommend to the Board any changes in the per-member fee assessed to each Chapter/Club.

d. To recommend to the Board any sources of new or additional revenues and income in order for the Council to meet its financial requirements more effectively.


Board members are expected to visit Chapters/Clubs regularly and attend scheduled Board meetings. To assist in meeting the travel expenses of these and other council activities Board members will be reimbursed based upon the following guidelines:

1. Mode of Transportation. The normal mode of transportation is assumed to be automobile and reimbursement will be $.12/mile from the Board member�s home to the activity, (Chapter/Club meeting, Council Board meeting, etc.) and return. When the situation warrants, the Board member may be reimbursed for the additional costs of another mode of transportation, e.g., airplane, with the coordination of the Treasurer and the authorization of the President.

2. Meals. Board members attending Chapter/Club functions or other activities where a meal is a part of the function will be reimbursed for the first $10 of the cost of the meal.

3. Overnight lodging. Board members will be reimbursed for the costs of overnight lodging when attending Chapter/Club functions or activities if the return trip would not be feasible. Except under extraordinary situations or circumstances (e.g., unexpected severe weather, unexpectedly late function) the Board member should contact the President for authorization prior to making overnight lodging plans.

4. Fall and Winter Board Meetings. Board members will be reimbursed for transportation costs at a rate of $.12/mile from the member�s home to the Board meeting and return; hotel/motel costs for one night; and the costs of meals held as part of the Board meeting schedule (e.g. a dinner that is a part of the Fall and Winter Board Meeting/Annual Presidents Meeting). The total reimbursement will not exceed $125/member/Board meeting.

5. Conventions. Board members will not be reimbursed for any expenses incurred to attend Board meetings held in conjunction with the annual conventions.

6. Spouse�s travel. Board members will not be reimbursed for any expenses incurred by spouses attending Council or Chapter/Club activities.

7. Committee Chairmen. Committee chairmen will be reimbursed in the same manner listed above when the President requests their presence at a function.

8. Requests for travel reimbursement should be submitted to the Treasures, using the REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FORM  located at (type in the addres in your browser search window or click on the link)


1. Accounts. The operating and convention accounts are general ledger accounts. Actual funds may be kept in low-risk accounts that are allocated between higher income-producing accounts (such as CDs) and lower income-producing accounts (such as money market and/or checking). The treasurer must balance the allocation of deposited/invested funds against the need to have them available for expenditures, including $5,000 seed money for the current year�s convention committee.

2. Annual Operating Budgets. Calendar year operating budget submissions are prepared by balancing estimated operating expenditures against estimated income from Chapter/Club dues and miscellaneous sources, and deciding, if necessary, how much might be supplemented from the convention account. The Budget & Finance Committee must be guided by the requirement to maintain a minimum balance of $10,000 (including $5,000 convention seed money) in the convention account. The operating budget submission becomes effective when endorsed by the Board at the Winter Board Meeting and approved by the delegates at the following annual business meeting.

3. Accounting for Reimbursements, General. Reimbursements for convention-related expenses, including Council Conventions, Georgia conventions, Alabama conventions, and MOAA conventions will be charged against the Convention Account. Unless approved by the President, this does not include expenses incurred by members of Chapter/Club Convention Committees. Those expenses are reimbursed and accounted for from the Host Chapter/Club Convention Account as set forth in the Council Convention Guidebook. All other reimbursements, including reimbursements for MOAA seminars and MOAA business meetings (see paragraph 8.), are charged against the operating account.

4. Chapter/club visits and other necessary travel. Reimbursement and accounting for such travel should follow the guidelines in the Travel Reimbursement Policy.

5. Pre-convention Meetings. The President, and other Board members and/or standing Committee Chairmen who the President asks to attend a pre-convention meeting, should be reimbursed for mileage expenses, and for lodging if travel distance requires it. Their reimbursements will be charged against the Council Convention Account. If the Host Chapter�s/Club�s Convention Committee Chairman and/or members incur expenses in connection with pre-convention meetings, their reimbursement normally will be the responsibility of the Host Chapter�s/Club�s Convention Committee.

6. Florida Council Convention Attendance. The Travel and Reimbursement Policy restriction against reimbursing Board members for expenses incurred to attend Board meetings held in conjunction with the annual Convention normally also applies to all Florida Council Convention expenses.

7. Other State Conventions. It has been the practice for the Council President, when invited, to attend The Georgia Retired Officers Association convention, since the Georgia Association usually provides strong support and attends our conventions. Normally the President will be reimbursed for expenses incurred by such attendance, except for the costs of special events such as tours and sports activities, and spouse expenses if any. This guidance does not preclude similar reimbursement for attendance at Alabama conventions.

8. National MOAA Functions. As the representative of the Florida Council of Chapters, the President is expected to attend MOAA seminars, business meetings, and conventions, and thus will be reimbursed. Reimbursements for MOAA conventions will be charged against the convention account, and reimbursements for MOAA seminars, business meetings, and other MOAA meetings considered necessary by the President, will be charged against the Operating Account.

9. Reimbursement for the Vice President. At any time that the Vice President or the President�s designated representative attends other state conventions and/or national MOAA functions in place of the President and as the representative of the Florida Council, he or she should be reimbursed as outlined in paragraphs 7. and 8. above.




1. General. Supporting the legislative efforts of MOAA is one of the most important functions of the Florida Council. It is essential that the Council encourage and assist Chapter/Club members to respond to MOAA Alerts rapidly and in large numbers. The Council must also be attuned to the legislative activities within the state. To do all of this requires the dedicated efforts of the entire leadership of the Council and the direction of the Legislative Affairs Committee Chairman.

2. Mission. The Council�s Legislative Mission is two-fold. First, it broadly encompasses the Council Bylaws, Article II, Sections A., B., and C. and the MOAA purposes listed below. Second, it can be tailored by the President and/or Board to focus on individual issues of prime importance to the Council.

3. MOAA Purposes. The established Purposes of MOAA referred to above are:

a. To inculcate and stimulate love of our country and the flag.

b. To defend the honor, integrity, and supremacy of our National Government and Constitution of the United States.

c. To advocate military forces adequate to the defense of our country.

d. To foster the integrity and prestige of uniformed service.

e. To foster fraternal relations between all branches of the various Services from which our members are drawn.

f. To further the education of children of Service personnel.

g. *To aid active and retired personnel of the various Services from which our members are drawn, and their dependents and survivors in every proper and legitimate manner.

h. To present their rights and interests when Service matters are under consideration.

*It is noted that the MOAA goals include aid to active duty, retired and reserve officers, troops, spouses, families and survivors. By extension, this includes virtually all veterans. Therefore the Chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee coordinates with veterans' organizations on issues of mutual interest.


Within budget limitations, the Chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee assists the President in carrying out the Council's legislative mission. In so doing, he/she seeks out and analyzes issues, recommends actions to the President where appropriate, and disseminates information to the Council membership. He/she informs legislators and their staffs of the Council's position on issues. He/she draws interactively from the following sources:

a. Guidance from the President and formal actions by the Council's Board of Directors

b. MOAA Legislative Updates and Legislative Alerts.

c. The State Veterans' Planning Group.

d. The Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs.

e. Other reliable, credible sources of information affecting the Council's Legislative Mission including Chapter/Club Legislative Chairmen.




The Annual Business Meeting is normally held during the Convention. Delegates to the meeting (see Bylaws Article XI.) are charged to elect officers, consider Bylaw changes and resolutions, endorse the annual operating budget, and consider other agenda items. The Board sets agenda items through its own input, and through approval of recommendations by Chapters/Clubs and individual members. During the Annual Business Meeting, motions are in order to add agenda items for that meeting or a succeeding meeting, except that Bylaw changes and resolutions must be submitted in advance in accordance with Subsection XII (Resolutions and Bylaw Change Procedures). Such motions and any other motions (except motions relating to routine reports) must be presented in writing to the chair.

In compliance with Bylaws, Article V, sections C and D, candidates for all elective positions must:

a. Maintain membership in MOAA National

b.  Agree to serve, attend board meetings, and accomplish theri assigned duties as stipulated in the Bylawa (Art. VI, Sec. A) and elsewhere in the Council Blue Book (Council Administration Book)

c.  If a candidate for AVP. be from a Chapter/Club other than that of the outgoing AVP, unless this is not possible

d.  Submit a biographical summary of his/her qualifications for the position.


As required by the Council Bylaws, the Board of Directors will meet four times during the year. While two of these meetings are normally held as part of the Convention, the other two may be held at locations throughout the state. If a particular site is being considered for a Convention the Fall or Winter Board Meeting may be held at that location in order to evaluate the site and the host hotel. To minimize the cost of travel, consideration should be given to holding at least one of these two meetings in the Council President�s hometown. (i.e., The travel costs for the President, one AVP, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and probably some Committee Chairmen would be minimal.) The Chapter/Club Presidents are welcome to attend Board meetings in a non-voting capacity so that they can participate in Council decision-making.


A meeting/workshop for Chapter/Club Presidents and AVPs will normally be held each year, usually in conjunction with the Winter Board meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information to the Presidents that can help them to perform their jobs more effectively and serve their organizations better. A Presidents� meeting normally also will be held during the annual Convention to provide them a chance to share lessons learned and to offer input for the Fall Board Meeting.



The Personal Affairs Committee provides assistance and advice to Chapters/Clubs, when requested, on personal affairs and survivor assistance programs suitable at the Chapter/Club level. Accordingly, the Chairman:

A. In coordination with the Council President appoints Committee members as appropriate.

B. Keeps abreast of significant changes concerning individual rights and benefits by maintaining contact with the Personal Affairs Office at National MOAA.

C. Passes timely information about Personal Affairs to the Council members and Chapters/Clubs through the Council�s web site, the FMMC and the Council Communiqu�.



The following information is presented to assist Chapters/Clubs that want to propose resolutions or Bylaw changes for consideration by the delegates to the Council�s annual business meeting.

A. By tradition the Board will consider only resolutions that pertain to the purposes of The Retired Officers Association, e.g., national defense, military personnel and veterans issues. (See Subsection VIII. A. 3.)

B. The Board will consider only substantive changes to the Bylaws. Errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. that do not cause confusion with the meaning of a Bylaw should be brought to the attention of the Secretary.

C. All proposed resolutions and Bylaw changes must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Bylaw Proposal and Resolutions Committee by Chapters/Clubs in good standing (current dues paid) or by members of the Council Board of Directors. To be considered at the next annual business meeting the proposals must be received by 1 February of the year consideration is requested. Rationale for the proposal must be included.

D. The Bylaw Proposal and Resolutions Committee Chairman will present the submissions to the Council Board at the Winter Board Meeting. If the Board endorses the proposal(s) it (they) will be returned to the submitting Chapter/Club for presentation at the annual business meeting. If the Board does not endorse the submission it will be returned to the submitting Chapter/Club with no further Council action permitted at the annual business meeting.

E. The Council Secretary will send a copy of each Board-endorsed resolution and Bylaw change to each Chapter/Club and Board member for their consideration not later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting.

F. The delegates to the annual meeting will vote on the Board-endorsed resolutions and Bylaw changes after presentation by the submitting Chapter/Club.

G. The Council President (in the name of the Council) will send approved resolutions to the appropriate person, agency or organization. The Council Secretary will incorporate the approved changes in the Bylaws and send copies to all designated holders of the Bylaws. (See Subsection XIII., Blue Book Distribution)









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